BIEMs of Light: December 2022

Praises Rejoice with us!

  • For years, a young man named Misha from a pastor’s home in Ukraine delayed giving his heart to Christ. Drafted, he found himself repeatedly thrust into battles, barely escaping with his life while men all around him were cut down. Many prayed, and Misha at last trusted Christ!

  • We requested prayer for our 40-ft. container of aid, which got stuck in Gdansk, Poland. Praise the Lord, that container is finally released and bound for Ukraine. The downside is that the delay cost BIEM an additional $1,400 for extended storage—all because of someone else’s error, not ours.

  • You prayed for Igor Fomichov during his visit to the U.S. God answered! In multiple states, people listened with great interest and promised to pray. Also, God answered other prayers and let Igor speed through the border back into Ukraine, a process that once took 9 hours.

  • This week alone, BIEM has been able to purchase a dozen more generators for Ukraine. Churches are using them to create warming centers, places where locals can go and warm up during blackouts. There, visitors will also hear the Gospel. We plan to provide more as funds become available.

Prayer – Pray with us!

  • BIEM personnel continue to make aid & evangelism trips to battle zones in the east and south of Ukraine. Today, Vitaly Bilyak is driving to Kherson. Sasha Petrenko will soon be headed to Donbas. Please pray for God’s protection on our missionaries and for the salvation of souls.

  • Although Ukrainian engineers and electricians work around the clock to restore the power-generating system Russia is targeting, millions remain without power. Please pray for quick, successful repairs and for churches to seize these opportunities to glorify God by helping others in His name.

  • From Central Asia: “We had our first person come to faith in Christ through our Afghani literacy school…. The semester exam is being able to read John 3:16 from the Dari Bible then explain it and write it in Dari. As she was studying…one woman called our teacher and said, ‘I get it! Jesus is the Son of God! He’s the Sacrifice that appeased the wrath of God against me. How can I accept him?’ She repented and asked Jesus to save her! Pray for her. She was threatened with death for daring to learn to read and write; now she’s afraid she’ll be killed if Muslims learn she accepted Christ.

  • Our partners in Ukraine feel it imperative to hold a January session of the Seminary despite the war. Please pray for conditions to allow it and for students being able to attend despite hardships.

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