War Relief Updates Email - May 6, 2022

Thank you for your concern and for praying for Ukraine and the Ukrainian People

Dear Friends of BIEM,

  1. We still have not solved the issue of getting Ukrainian refugees into the United States, although we did manage to bring a number in through Mexico. Recently our US government once again announced that it will admit 100,000 Ukrainian refugees in expedited fashion through a program called "Uniting for Ukraine," which was set to begin April 25th. Though that sounds great, in reality it is not so wonderful. This program requires a sponsor to fill out a form, which we have examined. This required form is a monster, requiring extensive financial information and documentation from potential sponsors committing to financially support the invited refugee, including financial disclosures regarding bank accounts of the sponsor. To make matters worse, we understand that in adopting this new program the US is shutting down the previously open door for Ukrainian Refugees to enter through Mexico. Those who did enter through Mexico were allowed to enter the US with minimal documentation and were afforded some government benefits. It seems that those who theoretically enter through the "Uniting for Ukraine" program would not be entitled to the same benefits. Please pray for wisdom in this matter.

  2. Praise God, we have now received 2 full containers of humanitarian aid from friends in the United States. The first was distributed to 6 locations we mentioned in last week’s update. The second we trucked to a partnering church in Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine. This is a very needy area, so the church was so glad to receive this shipment and is sharing the goods throughout that area.

  3. We rejoice to now be receiving a third full container on Monday. This shipment will go to our church in Desna in Chernihiv Oblast, which has been devastated by Russian forces. The Russians have withdrawn from this area but planted a lot of mines. Please pray for this shipment and for Pastor Igor, who will be distributing the contents of this 3rd container throughout this area.

  4. These 3 full containers are only a part of our massive distribution efforts that continue to take place as our people continue their heroic efforts to alleviate the suffering of those in need in Ukraine. You can view videos about many of these efforts on our website under "View Video Updates." Our website is: BaptistInternational.org

  5. Obviously, due to the war, summer camps for children will not be possible in every part of Ukraine. However, BIEM’s director for Ukraine and our workers in that country steadfastly declare they will hold summer camps wherever possible. In such trying times, Ukrainian children need camps and the Gospel lessons more than ever. Designate such donation “Summer Camps.”

Sam Slobodian
President - BIEM

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