War Relief Updates Email - April 1, 2022

Thank you for your concern and for praying for Ukraine and the Ukrainian People

Dear Friends of BIEM,

  1. Our group of 9 refugees heading for the United States through Mexico is currently on their transatlantic flight.  Please pray for them as they need to pass through customs in Mexico when they arrive for their connecting flight in Mexico City which will take them to Tijuana.   We have trustworthy Christian people well known to our folks that will pick them up at the edge of Tijuana and assist them in crossing the border.  The line at the US border is currently 30 hours.  They have a vehicle that they will use to transport them from Tijuana to Sacramento.  This group of 9 all have relatives in the Seattle area who will receive them in Sacramento and drive them to Seattle.  Please continue to pray that all goes well. 

  2. We have a smaller group that we are considering getting to the United States through Canada.  Please pray for God's direction in this matter.  This may take place next week.  It is an absolute shame that the Biden administration has yet to make a way for Ukrainian refugees to enter the United States easily even though they have made public statements that the United States is going to receive Ukrainian refugees.   Canada, Mexico, Poland, and a host of European countries are receiving Ukrainian refugees easily and quickly while the United States has not yet made a way for Ukrainian refugees to easily enter the United States.

  3. Praise God for the generosity of contributors who made the purchase of a large generator possible.  It was a timely purchase because almost as soon as it was bought, a rocket hit the power grid supplying electricity to the church in Belogorodka which is feeding a lot of refugees.  They need their refrigerators running.  This generator was exactly what was needed to keep the church's refrigerators running while repairs were made.  You can view a video in the "War Video Updates" section of our website entitled "Power to God's People".

  4. One of our American missionary couples, the Smiths, have just returned from Poland where they were helping other missionary efforts among Ukrainian refugees.  They report: 
    "Hi, we're back from Poland.  Made two trips into Ukraine with 5 tons of food and medications last week. We were able to start a Ukrainian service in a Polish church plant near Warsaw. Thank you for your prayers."

  5. This week we have surpassed $300,000 in war relief aid directed to Ukraine.  We praise God for each gift, and we rejoice in the many souls that are being saved as the result of these efforts.  Thank you for your prayers, concern, and help!

Sam Slobodian
President - BIEM

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