BIEMs of Light July 2017

Praises Rejoice with us!

  • The financial need for the summer camps has been met! These camps for children and teens have already begun, so this is also a prayer request for God to work through them.
  • In Ukraine, two dedication ceremonies took place in June: the new church in Bilogorodka and the completely rebuilt Rehabilitation Center outside Ternopil. Both of these facilities turned out even better than imagined and stand out as wonderful testimonies.
  • Last month, we asked that you pray for our shipping container to arrive quickly and pass through Ukrainian Customs. It did! The cargo of chairs included in this shipment arrived in the nick of time to seat everyone at the Bilogorodka dedication service! Praise the Lord!
  • We also requested prayer that two foreign-born coworkers be granted visas to visit the USA. God granted this request! In May and part of June, Igor (church planter in Ukraine) and Sasha (a BIEM national missionary in a restricted country) were able to visit many churches, where they preached and shared directly about their respective mission fields.

PrayerPray with us!

  • In a restricted-access nation in Central Asia, 50 children came for camp. A number of them made professions of faith in Christ, but 6 in particular gave evidence of truly understanding their need of Christ.  Later, after local policemen threatened and intimidated our BIEM missionary against preaching and holding services, 90 people came for family camp. There, 8 former Muslims placed their trust in Christ as Savior! Please pray for continuing fruit and for safety for our personnel.
  • In Peru, missionary Wilber Huillca and others will soon begin creating an audio recording of the Bible in Yine, the language of one of the tribal groups in the Peruvian jungle. Please pray for God to bless and use this project to save many more souls for His Kingdom.
  • In Belarus, even though BIEM missionary Nikolai Ryzhuk’s spinal condition is better (less painful) than previously, he still cannot perform manual labor or drive long distances. Please pray for relief for this brother.
  • BIEM’s missionary Micah Tuttle (Republic of Georgia) shares this request, which all of our missionaries could echo: “As you pray for us, pray for a sincere love for men’s souls, for a bold courage in our witness, for a pure heart before God, and for a steadfast faithfulness in this ‘good’ fight. We are very much aware of the need for prayer support back home and are incredibly thankful for your prayers, your love, and your financial support!”