BIEMs of Light: July 2022

Praises Rejoice with us!

  • Our goal for funding summer camps in 2022 was $50,000. Praise the Lord, we have now reached that goal!

  • Despite the war in Ukraine, which generally prohibits adult men from exiting the country, BIEM church planter Vitaly Bilyak was able to come to the US for several weeks. Here, he not only reunited with his wife and sons, but visited many churches with firsthand reports from Ukraine. From Poland, he will be driving a load of humanitarian aid back into this homeland.

  • At a time when war-torn areas of Ukraine are short on food, BIEM was able to distribute large amounts of powdered milk to needy ones across 5 regions of Ukraine through churches, boarding schools, hospitals, a mayor’s office, and local charities. We thank the Lord for the donors and for all those who give of their time and energy to help us distribute these gifts of aid.

  • In Central Asia, Pastor River (not his real name) reports he is being surveilled 24/7 by secret police. Still, God gave another victory as two more formerly Muslim souls (one of them a mullah) placed their faith in Christ!

Prayer - Pray with us!

  • As our churches proceed to hold children’s camps in July and August, please pray for the leaders as they teach and model God’s Word, pray for the campers to be open and receptive to spiritual truths, and pray for the Holy Spirit to draw young souls to salvation in Christ.

  • In early July an evangelistic team traveled through an area of great unrest near Afghanistan to share the Gospel with all who would listen. Please pray that the words they shared will not be forgotten and that the hearers will ultimately come to Christ.

  • A new provision adopted by Ukraine would allow religious workers to leave Ukraine for a short time to attend religious conferences even though they are males between the ages of 18 and 60. Because BIEM occasionally brings national church planters to the US to report to churches, please pray this opportunity will work for our Ukrainian coworkers.

  • In the nation of Georgia, the church in Gldani lost Pastor Lasha to Covid last fall. The church is experiencing some troubles from within and without. Other brethren are filling in with preaching, Bible studies, and counseling. Please pray for unity, for reconciliation, and for a new pastor.