BIEMs of Light: June 2022

Praises Rejoice with us!

  • Recently, one of our BIEM missionaries entered a Central Asian nation (predominantly Muslim) with a bag full of Bibles. When Customs officials saw the x-ray scan containing the Bibles, they began arguing back and forth. While they debated, our missionary snatched up his bags and headed out the door. Moments later, they followed him and searched the crowd but didn’t spot him. God provided an opportunity to take in every Bible!

  • Afghans who fled the Taliban are coming to Christ in Central Asia! Plus, BIEM has organized a school to teach refugee children school subjects, which includes reading the Bible in their language. A Bible institute is also in the planning stages and is well on its way to being operational.

  • In Ukraine, in addition to hundreds of tons of aid we have distributed using vans, SUV’s, and small trucks, we have now received 5 forty-foot containers of humanitarian aid, which we transported to churches that serve as distribution centers in needy parts of Ukraine. Praise God for the compassionate friends in the USA who have provided these goods and for our Ukrainian brethren who distribute them!

  • Although the world’s attention is on Ukraine, we still have people ministering for the Lord inside Russia. We praise God for souls recently won to Christ in Siberia!

Prayer - Pray with us!

  • On Easter Sunday, one of our churches in Central Asia was raided by police, who arrested the pastor. The church was fined $200, which BIEM paid. We rejoice that the punishment was relatively light, but please pray for Pastor River and his congregation as they serve God in a land that is hostile to Christian activities.

  • BIEM’s evangelistic outreaches overseas depend on our ability to transfer funds to those lands. The sanctions on some countries have a side effect of blocking our normal methods of transferring funds. Please pray that the Lord will show us effective workarounds.

  • On June 6, BIEM’s president Sam Slobodian plans to travel to Ukraine, including to Kyiv. Please pray for safe traveling as he visits our missionaries and makes plans with them.

  • Friends often say, “Pray for Ukraine.” But don’t pray only for the life of that nation. Pray for the salvation of the countless souls who are hearing the Gospel in conjunction with our aid efforts.