BIEMs of Light: February 2023

Praises Rejoice with us!

  • In answer to prayer, the January session of Kyiv Theological Seminary went very smoothly. Not only were enrolled students able to come, but 8 others attended to audit the classes. In connection with that session, BIEM’s Sam Slobodian and Board member Kevin Gaugler had no significant delays entering or leaving the country.

  • Two Christian men were flying to team up with BIEM’s Director for Central Asia to evangelize and teach in Muslim lands. However, these two missed a flight and got “stuck” at Istanbul Airport. But God’s ways are divine: While waiting, one of the travelers led 3 Iranians to faith in Christ!

  • We had hoped to schedule Vitaly and Olena Yurchenko to visit supporting churches in February and March, but with increasing restrictions in Ukraine we didn’t know if that were possible. Praise the Lord, they have received permission to exit their country for a limited time!

  • At the women’s shelter in Central Asia, a woman named Jasgul returned with her 3-month-old child. The baby was born with a hole in his heart, and she requested prayer. Julie (shelter administrator), Pastor Almond, and another Christian sister prayed over the child. When Jasgul took the baby back to the doctor, he was shocked—the baby was healed, with no indication of a hole. Praise God!

Prayer – Pray with us!

  • In recent evangelistic-aid trips almost to the battlefront, Vitaly Bilyak and Sasha Petrenko had opportunities to preach, to distribute New Testaments, and to share aid items among both civilians and members of the military. May God water the Gospel seeds these men have planted.

  • Traditionally, many churches in Eastern Europe celebrate Christmas on January 7. In January such churches had opportunities for Christmas evangelism. In Belarus, BIEM’s Nikolai Ryzhuk said, “Our church building was completely packed with people. When I asked if anyone was in a church service for the first time in their lives, 5 families raised their hands.” May God work in these hearts!

  • So far, praise the Lord, none of our BIEM personnel in Ukraine have become casualties in the war. Although a 21-year-old Seminary student was killed while helping evacuate citizens from Kharkiv, and we grieve with that family, as of this writing, no actual BIEM missionaries have become casualties. Please pray this will continue to be true as our people share the Gospel and distribute much-needed humanitarian aid.

  • Please pray concerning our new missionaries, Sergiy and Karina Koop. Although they have zeal and energy for this exciting new work in a heavily populated area, a major portion of their support needs to be raised. By law, the Koops can’t exit Ukraine, so they can’t visit the U.S. to raise funds. We will soon send out information about them hoping this will bring in their support. Please pray that churches and individuals will catch a vision for taking them on for support even without a personal visit. (Please contact us if you yourself would like information about them.)

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