BIEMs of Light: May 2022

Praises Rejoice with us!

  • In Central Asia, our personnel continue to win souls among Afghanis who fled from the Taliban and their nation. One of our workers writes, “In our Afghani work, we had 3 more Afghanis trust Christ as Savior today. Praising God; He is always good. In trials and sufferings, He still is glorified.”

  • At the end of April, BIEM’s president Sam Slobodian was able to enter Ukraine via Poland and to meet with many of our coworkers and friends and make plans face-to-face. The emotions and brotherly hugs were more emotional than usual due to the difficult times.

  • Miraculously, none of the church buildings we’ve built in Ukraine have been damaged, and none of our missionaries or missionary families have been injured! Praise God for answered prayers!

  • Thanks to your generous donations to our War Relief fund, our personnel continue to provide aid to needy Ukrainians, both inside and outside the borders. Food purchased in Romania, Poland, and western Ukraine is trucked into Ukraine and received with great joy and appreciation. Along with the food, our people share the Gospel at every possibility.

Prayer - Pray with us!

  • Please pray concerning a church in Central Asia that the police raided at the end of their Easter service on April 24. Our missionary pastor persuaded the police to arrest only him but not the church members. Pray for God to protect and defend these believers.

  • The U.S. has announced an expedited plan for enabling Ukrainian refugees to enter the country. Please pray that this plan will truly be implemented and operate smoothly. 

  • With the situation in Ukraine in constant flux, please pray for divine wisdom for us and our coworkers as we must make regular decisions concerning how, when, and where to minister.

  • Our closing prayer request comes from a BIEM missionary in central Ukraine: “Please continue to pray for the multiplied thousands who grieve over the loss of loved ones and friends. Please continue to pray that families who have been scattered will soon be able to be reunited. Please continue to pray that our God will be glorified in this conflict and in the lives and ministries of His people! Please pray for God’s blessings upon those who have sacrificed to help us here!”