March Video Update

Dear Pastors and Friends,

Greetings! This month’s video comes from the Muslim lands south of Ukraine and Russia. After our brethren felt impressed to pray for these areas, God provided opportunities for us to expand our church-planting efforts to these Muslim lands. Today we have about two dozen converted Muslims who have been called and trained to reach their countrymen for Christ. This video features Sasha, a BIEM national who also lives and works in this area.

When the earthquake struck Turkey, Sasha, who was just 3 hours from the epicenter, sprang into action, providing relief to suffering ones there along with a clear Gospel message. Please pray that God will use Sasha mightily as he reaches out to these needy people. Pray, too, that the needed funds would come in for this effort. At least $30,000 is needed for the initial supply of food, tents, clothing, and other necessities.

In Christ,

Sam & Amy Slobodian